Forms & Worksheets

student studying

Below is information about our forms process and links to forms that both students and parents (if necessary) can access. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (603)-862-3600. 

The U.S. Department of Education requires that documents containing personally identifiable information (PII) be transmitted securely. Therefore, we cannot accept forms or attached documents containing personally identifiable information via email. You may submit documents through our Secure Document Upload. Please be sure that all documents include the student’s name and college ID number.

All information, documents, and/or materials submitted to the Student Financial Services office at UNH become the property of UNH Student Financial Services. Please keep a copy of all submitted forms for your records. For more information, contact us at or 603-862-3600.

The following forms can be found in Webcat by going to the Financial Aid Home page, selecting the aid year, and clicking on the requirement. This will open the NextGen Dynamic Form for the student to complete. The parents can also access these through the Financial Aid website. A parent will be asked to log into the NextGen Dynamic Form or create an account if you have not previously done so.

Creating a NextGen Account

Non-UNH users need to create an account with NextGen to access forms. This includes parents and off campus work study employers. Please click here for directions on how to create your account.

Financial Aid Tax Form Cover Sheet

  • Please submit your signed Federal tax return and schedules 1, 2 and 3 (if filed).
  • An IRS e-file signature page is not acceptable, your tax return will be rejected if it is not signed.
  • Do NOT send state income tax returns your business return or any additional schedules.

Financial Aid Secure Document Upload

For use in uploading required documents listed in student’s ‘outstanding requirements’ on WEBCAT or general documents you would like us to have or need for us to complete.

The Verification Worksheet must be initiated by the student. You can find this form by going to the Financial Aid Home page, selecting the aid year, and clicking on the requirement. This will open the NextGen Dynamic Form for you to complete.

Verification Worksheet Process

STEP 1: Dependent and Independent Student section:

  • While completing the Verification Worksheet the student will be required to enter your parent’s/spouse’s email address. 
  •  Although parent/spouse tax filing information and signature pages are visible while the student is completing their portion of the form, the parent/spouse completes this information in step 2 of the process. Once the student’s tax filing information has been completed, the student will be asked to sign the form.

STEP 2: Parent or Spouse of Independent Student section:

The parent/spouse will get an email from Dynamic Forms explaining that they need to log into the UNH NextGen site and complete the parent/spouse questions.

  • If this is your first time going to NextGen you will need to create an account, this is not your Parent Portal account.
  •  The parent/spouse can reject the application if they believe the student has entered incorrect information.
    • The student will get an email from Dynamic Forms asking them to re-submit their Verification Worksheet. 
  • Parents/spouse are asked to complete their tax filing information and to sign the form.

The links will take you directly to the form specified, please use your UNH username and password when logging in. Once a form is submitted, you will receive a message indicating its successful completion.

2025-2026 Financial Aid Tax Cover Sheet

Use this link to upload you or your parents' tax return(s)

Please be sure that the tax return is signed and submit only page 1 and 2 of the 2023 Federal 1040 and schedules 1, 2, and 3 if filed. An IRS e-file signature page is not acceptable. Your tax return will be rejected if it is not signed. We do not need your state income tax return, your business return, or any additional schedules.

2025-2026 Verification Worksheet

The Verification Worksheet must be initiated by the student. You can find this form by going to the Financial Aid Home page, selecting the aid year, and clicking on the requirement.

2025-2026 Special Circumstance Form

To be completed by a financial aid applicant with special circumstances. Students should click here to get started.

Secure Document Upload

Use this link to upload any additional documents.

Declining Financial Aid

Please complete the Declining Aid Form to decline any portion of your financial aid.

Change in Enrollment 

If your enrollment status will be less than full time, please complete a Change in Enrollment Form.

Dependency Status Override

To be completed by a dependent student who believes they should be considered an independent student for financial aid purposes, please complete this application and then contact our office at 603-862-3600 to make an appointment with a Financial Aid Counselor.

2024-2025 Financial Aid Tax Cover Sheet

Use this link to upload you or your parents' tax return(s)

Please be sure that the tax return is signed and submit only page 1 and 2 of the 2022 Federal 1040 and schedules 1, 2, and 3 if filed. An IRS e-file signature page is not acceptable. Your tax return will be rejected if it is not signed. We do not need your state income tax return, your business return, or any additional schedules.

2024-2025 Verification Worksheet

The Verification Worksheet must be initiated by the student. You can find this form by going to the Financial Aid Home page, selecting the aid year, and clicking on the requirement.

2024-2025 Special Circumstance Form

To be completed by a financial aid applicant with special circumstances. Students should click here to get started.


The form links will take you to UNH NextGen where you will need to create an account before completing the form, please note, this is not the Parent Portal. You can use this account in the future to complete additional tasks for Financial Aid. Once a form is submitted you will receive a message indicating its successful completion.

2025-2026 Financial Aid Tax Cover Sheet

Use this link to upload your 2023 Federal tax return(s)

Please be sure that the tax return is signed and submit only page 1 and 2 of the 1040 and schedules 1, 2, and 3 if filed. An IRS e-file signature page is not acceptable. Your tax return will be rejected if it is not signed. We do not need your state income tax return, your business return, or any additional schedules.

2025-2026 Special Circumstance Form

To be completed by the parent of a financial aid applicant with special circumstances. Parents should click here to get started.

Coronavirus-Related Distribution

Was a coronavirus-related distribution reported on your tax return? Use this link to report this information to the UNH Financial Aid Office.

Secure Document Upload

Use this link to upload any additional documents.

Marital Status Discrepancy

If we have emailed your student requesting clarification of FAFSA marital status use this link to upload your tax documents. We will need parent W-2s, as well as signed federal tax return (2022 return for 2024-2025 or 2023 return for 2025-2026) and schedules 1, 2 and 3 if filed.

Verification Worksheet

The Verification Worksheet must be initiated by your student via WebCat. The student will complete their portion and enter a parent's email address to request the parent to review the information, sign and submit the document.

2024-2025 Financial Aid Tax Cover Sheet

Use this link to upload your 2022 Federal tax return(s)

Please be sure that the tax is signed and submit only page 1 and 2 of the 1040 and schedules 1, 2, and 3 if filed. An IRS e-file signature page is not acceptable. Your tax return will be rejected if it is not signed. We do not need your state income tax return, your business return, or any additional schedules.

2024-2025 Special Circumstance Form

To be completed by the parent of a financial aid applicant with special circumstances. Parents should click here to get started.

Instructions on completing the Off Campus Work Study Hiring-Authorization Form

Please initiate the Employment Authorization Form.

If you have questions about creating an account with NextGen, please visit the Dynamic Forms Information section on this page.